Does Sweating Burn Calories?


Want to know does sweating burn calories? Well, you have landed on the right article.

Sweating excessively after a rigorous exercise session does not necessarily indicate a higher calorie burn than usual. While heavy perspiration may imply a greater exertion level during the workout, the amount of sweat produced is not directly proportional to the number of calories burned. Various factors, such as sweat gland activity, have a more substantial influence on the intensity of sweating. Let us delve deeper into this topic for better understanding.

What happens when you sweat?

Sweating offers several advantages for the body. One of the reasons behind sweating is its role in aiding the elimination of impurities, including metabolic waste and toxins, as well as the accumulation of substances on the skin.

Another significant purpose of sweating is to safeguard the body from overheating. When engaged in intense physical activities like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), internal body temperature rises. This temperature elevation triggers the body’s natural response to produce sweat in order to cool down.

Risks of Sweating

Sweating leads to a reduction in body fluid levels, and excessive fluid loss can result in dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the intake of fluids is insufficient to compensate for the fluids lost. This condition can have detrimental effects on various bodily functions, and individuals may experience symptoms such as dry mouth, dark urine, dizziness, decreased urine or sweat output.

In severe cases, dehydration can be life-threatening. If symptoms include confusion, fainting, lack of urination, rapid breathing or heartbeat, or signs of shock, immediate medical attention should be sought.

To prevent dehydration, it is important to ensure adequate daily water intake. The amount needed varies depending on factors like age and sex. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain proper hydration by consuming even more fluids when exposed to hot weather, engaging in exercise in high temperatures, or when experiencing illness.

Does Sweating Burn Calories?

Recent research in the journal Temperature Medical Physiology and Beyond emphasizes that sweating is a highly personalized bodily process primarily aimed at regulating body temperature by cooling us down. Contrary to popular belief, sweating does not contribute to calorie burning, fat burning, or serve as an indicator of exercise intensity.

How can you burn calories

The calorie burn during aerobic exercises is typically more significant compared to weight training. Nonetheless, engaging in any type of physical activity leads to calorie expenditure. The higher the intensity of your workout, the more calories your body will utilise. Here are some suggestions to help you burn calories:

  • Explore activities like yoga or water workouts.
  • Opt for manual chores, such as using a push mower instead of a riding lawn mower.
  • Discover accessible trails for walking or hiking.
  • Find ways to incorporate fidgeting or movement while sitting.
  • Include physical activities like darts, volleyball, or bowling during social gatherings.
  • Integrate strength training exercises that can be performed while standing or seated.
  • Listen to music while being active to extend your exercise duration and potentially increase calorie burn.
  • Make an effort to stand up more frequently (if possible), and challenge yourself to balance on one foot for as long as you can.
  • Whenever feasible, choose to take the stairs instead of using an elevator or escalator.
  • Explore seated or chair-based exercises, with or without weights, for a workout option.


To sum up, does sweating burn calories, albeit to a limited extent. Sweating is primarily the body’s mechanism for regulating temperature and cooling down during physical activity or in hot environments. While it’s true that some energy expenditure occurs as the body produces sweat, the calorie-burning effect is relatively minor compared to other factors like metabolism and exercise intensity. Relying solely on sweating as a means of calorie reduction is not an effective weight loss strategy. Instead, combining regular physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet, and staying properly hydrated are far more impactful ways to achieve meaningful and sustainable calorie expenditure, leading to overall health and fitness goals.


Q1: Does sweating help in weight loss?

Ans: Sweating alone does not lead to weight loss.

Q2: How many calories are burned during exercise?

Ans: Calorie burn depends on various factors such as activity type, intensity, and individual characteristics.

Q3: Is aerobic exercise better for burning calories than weight training?

Ans: Aerobic exercises generally burn more calories, but weight training has other benefits for overall fitness.

Q4: How can I increase calorie burn during workouts?

Ans: Increasing exercise intensity and incorporating strength training can help boost calorie expenditure.

Q5: Can fidgeting contribute to calorie burn?

Ans: Fidgeting can increase energy expenditure slightly, leading to additional calorie burn.